Offbeat filmmaker Rajeev Nath who became quite famous with his films like ‘Janani’ and ‘Aham’ will team up with Mohanlal, once again. Their new movie titled ‘Pakal Nakshathrangal’ will tell a story in the backdrop of cinema.
The other highlight of the movie is that Suresh Gopi will also share the screen space with Mohanlal after a decade through ‘Pakal Nakshatrangal’, Mohanlal will don the role of a director and scriptwriter, Siddharthan , who made a big name for his different interpretations on commercial cinema.
The movie will also feature Murali, Anoop Menon, Jagathy, Arun, Sindhu Menon and Sukumary. The makers are planning to start the shoot of the movie by the second week of August at Thiruvananthapuram.