Ace cinematographer from Malayalam Cinema Azhagappan will foray into Tamil with a new film directed by debutante Ananthanarayanan. Titled ”Valmiki”, the movie has ‘Kaloori’ fame Akhil and Malayalee actress Meera Nandhan and Shruthy Nair in lead roles.
Azhappan who has been a key figure behind the camera creating picture perfect frames all along the last decade, has done visual splendors in films like ‘Agnisakshy’, ‘Chandu Pottu’, ‘Chocolate’ , ‘Ore Kadal’, ‘Rasathanthram’, ‘Photographer’, ‘Chotta Mumbai’ and ‘Kaazhca’. A former staff of Doordarshan, he quit DD in 1996 to become a full-time cinematographer in films. His work in Shyamaprasad’s `Agnishakshi’ won him the Kerala State Award in 1998.
Known to be a cinematographer who enjoys shooting with natural light, he has been to other languages like English with Tom George’s ”Gandhi Park” and in Hindi with a Rajeev Nath’s film.